What You Should Know About The Power Of Emotional Support Animals

What You Should Know About The Power Of Emotional Support Animals

What You Should Know About The Power Of Emotional Support Animals

While all of our employees at Auto Express South are friendly and welcoming, one employee really stands out as being the friendliest, most welcoming— and definitely the most slobbery of all! That honor goes to Cobalt the Great Dane, our emotional support dog at Auto Express South. Here’s why Cobalt and other emotional support animals play such an important role in the lives of those they serve:

While Emotional Support Animals Are Different Than Service Animals, Both Play An Important Role In People’s Lives

Unlike service animals, emotional support animals aren’t trained for specific tasks. Additionally, while service animals provide support to one specific individual, emotional support animals can support more than one person. Both service animals and emotional support animals play important roles and at Auto Express South, we appreciate all working animals— whether they are trained service animals or emotionally supportive ones!

The Comfort An Emotional Support Animal Provides Is Often Unparalleled

While our employees at Auto Express South often put smiles on customers’ faces, no one is able to do it quite as fast as our Great Dane, Cobalt! That’s because Cobalt’s job, like any other emotional support animal, is to provide you with unconditional love and give you his undivided attention. While we do joke about Cobalt helping us with demonstrations or assisting with sales— we all know his main focus is brightening the day of employees and customers alike.
Whether you have questions about the vehicles and equipment for sale at Auto Express South or would just like to stop by to love on Cobalt and learn more about the role of emotional support animals, we’d love for you to stop by!
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